Place born
Organisation / Person
1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

active 1866-1926, camera manufacturer, Blackheath, London, England

W Butcher and Sons

1866 - 1926

c.1863 - 1946, surgical instrument maker, London, England

Down Bros and Mayer and Phelps Limited


Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

Tutton, Alfred Edwin Howard

1864 - 1938

Evershed, John

1864 - 1956

Suter, Richard

1864 - 1959

Kipping, Frederic Stanley

1863 - 1949

Wolf, Hans Karl

1866 - 1962

May, Philip William

1864 - 1903

Lyons, Henry

1864 - 1944

1864-1948, charity worker, England

Beachcroft, Towes

1864 - 1948

c. 1865-1933, physician, British?

Bailey, Dr. Henry James

1865 - 1933

1866-1959, printer; publisher, London; Paris; New York

Raphael Tuck and Sons Limited

1866 - 1959

1863-1939; artist, British

Carter, Sir William

1863 - 1939

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1864-1950, photographer, British; English

Robinson, Alfred Hind

1864 - 1950

1863-1933, spirit photographer, British

Hope, William

1863 - 1933

1864-1896, railway company, Jersey

Jersey Railways

1864 - 1936

1864-1959, submarine telegraph cable manufacturer, British

Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Co. Limited

1864 - 1959

active 1865-1965, bell manufacturers, Whitechapel

Mears & Stainbank Founders

1865 - 1965

1865-1951, physician; surgeon; inventor of type of mask to administer anaesthetic, British

Cheatle, Sir George Lenthal

1865 - 1951

1863-1898, physician; pathologist; bacteriologist, Brazilian

Kanthack, Alfredo Antunes

1863 - 1898

1864-1925, locomotive engineer, British

Wainwright, Harry S

1864 - 1925

1865-1902, locomotive manufacturer, Gateshead, England

Black, Hawthorn and Company

1865 - 1908

1865-1915, nurse; war heroine, British; English

Cavell, Edith

1865 - 1915

1863-1949, dentist, British

Ackland, William Robert

1863 - 1949

1866-1913, sculptor; medallist, French

Champeil, Jean Baptiste Antoine

1866 - 1913

1865-1936, physician; surgeon, British

Moynihan, Berkeley George Andrew

1865 - 1936

1864-1895, railway company, United Kingdom

Solway Junction Railway

1864 - 1895

1866-1952, artist; portraitist; medallist, American

Emmet, Lydia Field

1866 - 1952

film promoter and early cinema technician

Rector, Enoch J

1863 - 1957

1865-1965, locomotive manufacturer, Sheffield

Yorkshire Engine Company

1865 - 1965

1863-1948, railway company, Argentina

Central Argentine Railway

1863 - 1948

1863-1944, chemist; inventor, Belgian; American

Baekeland, Leo Hendrik

1863 - 1944

1865-1870, railway company, England

Hawes & Melmerby Railway

1865 - 1870

1863-1933, engineer; motor car designer, British; English

Royce, Sir Frederick Henry

1863 - 1933

1865-1945, locomotive engineer, British

Hughes, George

1865 - 1945

1865-1932, artist; engraver; etcher, British

Willis, Frank

1865 - 1932

1865-1889, Royal Navy ironclad, British

HMS Lord Warden (1865)

1865 - 1889

1865-1939, anaesthetist; physician, British

McCardie, William Joseph

1865 - 1939

1864-1952, photographer, American

Johnston, Frances Benjamin

1864 - 1952

1866-1952, anaesthetist; physician, British

Probyn-Williams, Robert James

1866 - 1952

1866-1881, railway company, United Kingdom

Potteries, Shrewsbury & North Wales Railway

1866 - 1881

1864-1912, shipbuilder; marine engineer; boilermaker, Goven, Scotland

London and Glasgow Engineering and Iron Shipbuilding Company Limited

1864 - 1912

1864-1908, railway company, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom

Garstang and Knot End Railway Company

1864 - 1908

1866-1929, painter; sculptor; medalist, Austrian

Fuchs, Emil

1866 - 1929

1863-1908, surgeon, Italian

Gigli, Leonardo

1863 - 1908

1866-1912, explorer, photographer, American

Vaniman, Chester Melvin

1866 - 1912

1863-1933, physician; bacteriologist, French

Calmette, Leon Charles Albert

1863 - 1933